Evaluation of the cleaning and disinfection efficacy of commonly used dental medical apparatus and instruments
投稿时间:2013-01-08  修订日期:2013-03-06
中文关键词:  口腔  医疗器械  清洗消毒
英文关键词:Dental  Medical apparatus and instruments  Cleaning and disinfection
鲁成秀 连云港市第一人民医院消毒供应中心, 连云港 222001 gf57666@163.com 
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      目的评价口腔科医疗器械常规清洗消毒的效果。方法选择2013年7月~12月口腔科使用过的非一次性医疗器械(拔牙钳、车针)共36669件,消毒供应室清洗消毒处理前后,对物体表面口腔常见的变形链球菌、白色念珠菌、金黄色葡萄球菌以及乙肝病毒进行检测,并用目测法分析清洗的质量,测评临床的满意度。结果 (1)器械清洗消毒质量的合格数为35395件,合格率达到96.52%;(2)细菌和病毒检测结果显示,除了工作室桌子有10次细菌不达标以外,其余均未检出细菌和病毒;(3)紫外照射与高压的消毒效果差距较大,未高压的灭菌消毒效果低于高压的灭菌消毒效果;(4)临床使用满意度达到95.83%。结论经规范化清洗消毒与管理,基本能确保口腔器械的卫生安全,所采用的清洗消毒措施,在一定程度上能有效控制医院感染的发生。
      Objective To analyze and evaluate the efficacy of the cleaning and disinfection of the commonly used dental medical apparatus and instruments. Methods A total of 36669 pieces of the reusable medical devices (dental extraction forceps, burs) used in the department of Stomatology were chosen from July to December, 2013. The representatives of common dental pathogenic microorganisms such as Streptococcus, Candida albicans, Staphylococcus aureus and Hepatitis B virus were detected before and after the cleaning and disinfection in central sterile supply department (CSSD). Cleaning quality was analysed by visual method, and the clinical satisfaction was also assessed. Results (1) The number of qualified medical devices after the cleaning and disinfection was 35395 and the qualified rate reached 96.52%using the visual method;(2) Test paper of bacteria and viruses detection showed that most of bacteria and viruses had not been checked out except that 40 samples of the studio desk baceteria were detected;(3) The difference in disinfection effects between ultraviolet irradiation and high pressure was significant, the disinfection effects without high pressure sterilization were worse than that with high pressure sterilization (40:0);(4) The clinical satisfaction reached 95.83%. Conclusion The standard cleaning and disinfection can basically ensure the health and safety of the dental equipment, to a certain extent, can effectively control hospital infection.
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