A comparative study of distal movement rate in canine with self-ligating brackets and MBT straight wire brackets during early stage of orthodontic treatment
投稿时间:2015-11-13  修订日期:2016-02-01
中文关键词:  尖牙远中移动  自锁托槽  MBT 直丝弓托槽  II 类牵引
英文关键词:Canine retraction  Self-ligating bracket  MBT straight wire appliance  Class II elastic
倪密 南京医科大学附属南京医院(南京市第一医院)口腔科, 南京 210006 nimizbq_orth@163.com 
于蕾 南京医科大学附属南京医院(南京市第一医院)口腔科, 南京 210006  
陈文静 南京医科大学口腔医学研究所, 南京医科大学口腔医学院正畸科, 南京 210029  
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      目的 比较拔牙治疗初期,Damon 自锁托槽与普通MBT 直丝弓托槽(3M Unitek 金属托槽)远中移动尖牙的速度。方法 选取上颌唇侧尖牙低位阻生的青少年正畸患者36 例,均采用拔除双侧上颌第一前磨牙的治疗方案,随机将患者分为A、B、C 3 组,在双侧上颌尖牙处随机粘接Damon 自锁托槽(分别标记为AD, BD, CD 组)或者MBT 直丝弓托槽(分别标记为AM,BM,CM 组):A 组不加任何辅助加力装置,B 组配合使用II 类牵引辅助尖牙远中移动,C 组使用Laceback 辅助尖牙远中移动,治疗开始后4 周和8 周分别测量尖牙远中移动的距离,并进行统计学分析。结果 4 周后,B 组中粘接自锁托槽的尖牙远中移动的距离明显大于粘接MBT 托槽者(P<0.01);8 周后,A 组及B 组中粘接自锁托槽的尖牙远中移动的距离明显大于粘接MBT 直丝弓托槽尖牙者(P<0.05)。组间比较显示:4 周后,B 组中粘接自锁托槽的尖牙远中移动的距离明显大于A 组以及C 组(P<0.005);8 周后,B 组中粘接自锁托槽的尖牙远中移动的距离明显大于A 组(与AD、AM 相比P<0.005)以及C 组(与CD 相比P<0.05,与CM 相比P<0.005)。结论 在拔除上颌第一前磨牙矫治唇侧低位尖牙阻生的病例中,使用自锁托槽矫治能够显著加快尖牙远中移动的速度,尤其配合早期II 类牵引时更明显。
      Objective To compare the distal movement rate in canine with self-ligating brackets and MBT straight wire appliances in the early stage of orthodontic treatment. Methods 36 patients with extraction of two maxillary premolars were randomly divided into three groups (A, B and C). Self-ligating bracket(Damon Q) group (named group AD, BD, CD),or MBT straight wire bracket (3M Unitek) group (named group AM,BM,CM) were randomly attached on the maxillary canine. In the process of canine retraction, no auxiliary device was applied in group A, type Ⅱ elastic treatment was used in group B and laceback was applied in group C. After 4 and 8 weeks, the distance between canine and maxillary first molar was measured. The speed of canine retraction was analyzed using a paired t-test and one-way ANOVA. Results After 4 weeks, the canine with self-ligating bracket moved faster than that with MBT bracket in group B, there were statistically significant differences between the two groups. Similar results were also observed in group A and B at 8 weeks. Comparison analyses revealed that the canine with self-ligating bracket in group B moved faster than in other groups after 4 weeks (P<0.005) or 8 weeks (compared with AD, AM, CM, P<0.005; compared with CD, P<0.05). Conclusion In the orthodontic cases of labial lower impacted canine with extracted maxillary first premolars, self-ligating bracket can significantly accelerate the speed of the canine distal movement, especially achieve better effects when combined with type Ⅱ elastic treatment.
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