Effects of superficial enamel removal on the bond strength of enamel exposed to intracoronal bleaching
投稿时间:2023-05-08  修订日期:2023-06-19
中文关键词:  冠内漂白  过氧化氢  贴面预备  粘接强度
英文关键词:Intracoronal Bleaching  Hydrogen peroxide  Veneer preparation  Bonding strength
程翊泠 福建医科大学附属口腔医院特诊科, 修复科, 福州 350001  
JosephMusonda 福建医科大学附属口腔医院特诊科, 修复科, 福州 350001  
钟冰洁 福建医科大学附属口腔医院特诊科, 修复科, 福州 350001  
林捷 福建医科大学附属口腔医院特诊科, 修复科, 福州 350001  
于皓 福建医科大学附属口腔医院特诊科, 修复科, 福州 350001 haoyu-cn@hotmail.com 
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      目的 探讨磨除表层牙釉质对冠内漂白后牙釉质与树脂水门汀粘接强度的影响。方法 选择离体小牛前牙制备 48 个牙体组织块(长 4 mm、宽 4 mm、厚 4 mm), 树脂包埋, 根据是否进行冠内漂白随机分为 2 组:漂白组(B)、无漂白组(NB)。B 组使用 40% 过氧化氢漂白剂对牙本质面进行处理, NB组不做漂白处理。于牙釉质面磨除 0.5 mm 以模拟贴面牙体预备, 将树脂柱(直径 1 mm、高 1 mm) 粘接于釉质面。依据是否对试件进行冷热循环, 将 B 及 NB 组分为 2 个亚组(n=12):冷热循环组(T)、无冷热循环组(NT)。T 组进行 5000 个周期冷热循环, NT 组不进行冷热循环。使用万能材料试验机进行微剪切粘接强度(micro-shear bond strength, μSBS) 测试, 体视显微镜下观察断裂模式及断裂界面, 采用 SPSS软件对实验数据进行双因素方差分析。结果 4 个处理组的 μSBS 值分别为 BT 组(21.10±5.18) MPa、BNT 组(21.85±7.08) MPa、NBT 组(22.10±6.38) MPa、NBNT 组(25.21±5.83) MPa, 4 组间的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。混合断裂是最常见的断裂模式, 其次是界面断裂和内聚断裂。结论 使用 40%过氧化氢进行冠内漂白后, 通过磨除表层 0.5 mm 的牙釉质, 可获得良好的牙釉质粘接性能。
      Objective To investigate the effect of superficial surface enamel removal on the bond strength between the enamel and resin cement after intracoronal bleaching. Methods Forty-eight bovine incisors were prepared and randomly divided into 2 groups:bleaching (Group B) and non-bleaching (Group NB). Group B was treated with 40% hydrogen peroxide and group NB was kept in artificial saliva at 37℃. The enamel surface was ground by 0.5 mm to simulate the tooth preparation of veneer. Based on the bonding protocol, a resin bar with a diameter of 1 mm and a height of 1 mm was bonded to the enamel surface. The 2 groups were further divided into 2 subgroups (n=12) based on whether the specimens underwent thermal cycling:thermal cycling (T) and non-thermal cycling (NT). Group BT and NBT underwent 5000 cycles of thermal cycling, while Group BNT and NBNT was kept in artificial saliva at 37℃. Micro-shear bond strength (μSBS) was tested using a universal testing machine. Fracture patterns were observed under a stereomicroscope. The data was statistically analyzed with two-way ANOVA using SPSS software. Results The μSBS values of the 4 groups were as follows:(21.10±5.18) MPa for group BT, (21.85±7.08) MPa for group BNT, (22.10±6.38) MPa for group NBT, and (25.21±5.83) MPa for group NBNT. There was no significant difference in μSBS values among the 4 groups (P>0.05). Mixed fractures were the most common, followed by adhesive and cohesive fractures. Conclusions An optimal bond strength of enamel can be obtained by removing the superficial enamel by 0.5 mm after non-vital tooth bleaching using 40% HP.
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