Effect of ultrasonic cleaning of root canal surgery on the bond strength of fiber post
投稿时间:2013-09-13  修订日期:2013-10-07
中文关键词:  纤维桩 超声根管清洗术 粘结强度
英文关键词:fiber  post ultrasonic  cleaning of  root canal  surgery bond  strength.
唐颖* 上海市口腔病防治院教学综合门诊 200001
蔡展文 上海市口腔病防治院友好诊室 
董聪 上海市口腔病防治院友好诊室 
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      【】 目的 研究超声根管清洗术是否能改善纤维桩在根管内的固位作用,为临床提供参考。方法 选取40颗两周内拔除的、根冠形态完整的、根长近似的单根管正畸离体牙,经完善的根管治疗后随机分成A、B两组,于釉牙骨质界上方2 mm 水平截冠并预备根管桩道。A组:不处理;B组:采用超声根管清洗术。自酸蚀粘结剂把纤维桩粘结于桩道内, A、B组各15个试件在万能试验机上做拉力测试。另A、B组各5个粘桩后的离体牙于根颈、根中及根尖切成厚1.5mm的薄片。扫描电镜观察纤维桩与根管内壁粘结界面的显微结构。结果 拉力试验结果表明A组试件(151.1±13.5N)的纤维桩粘结强度没有B组试件(205.8±15.5N)的强(p<0.05)。电镜观察结果:根颈处有明显树脂突,根尖处树脂突最少。结论 使用超声根管清洗术能使纤维桩与根管壁的粘结力增强,根尖处的粘结力有待于加强。
      【】Objective To investigate if the ultrasonic cleaning of root canal surgery can improve fiber posts in the root canal retention and to provide clinical services.Methods Select the 40 newly removal, and complete shoot morphology, root length approximate single root canal teeth and divided into orthodontic vitro A, B two groups of 20 randomly.After root canal therapy, junction level at 2 mm above the cemento-enamel and prepare the post space truncation.Group A: no treatment;Group B:ultrasonic cleaning of root canal surgery.Self-etching adhesive bonded to the fiber pile tract, A、B group of 15 specimens in the universal testing machine to do tensile test. Another A, B group of five specimens at the root collar, middle and apical root cut into 1.5mm thick slices. Scanning electron microscopy fiber post and root canal wall bonding interface microstructure.Results Tensile test results show that the group B specimens fiber post bond strength(205.8±15.5N) is stronger than in group A(151.1±13.5N).Conclusion: Using ultrasonic cleaning of root canal surgery enables enhancement the fiber post and root canal wall adhesion , apical bond strength should to be strengthened.
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