牛雪微,容晓安,王爽,曹天翼,孙汉堂.iRoot SP单尖法根管充填后桩道预备时机对根尖封闭效果的影响[J].口腔材料器械杂志,2024,33(1):9-13.
iRoot SP单尖法根管充填后桩道预备时机对根尖封闭效果的影响
Effect of the timing of post space preparation after root canal filling on apical sealing ability of iRoot SP single?tip obturation
投稿时间:2023-04-21  修订日期:2023-06-28
中文关键词:  iRoot SP  桩道预备  封闭  单尖充填技术
英文关键词:iRoot SP  Post space preparation  Closure  Single tip filling technique
牛雪微 南通市口腔医院 牙体牙髓病科南通 226000  
容晓安 南通市口腔医院 牙体牙髓病科南通 226000  
王爽 南通市口腔医院 牙体牙髓病科南通 226000  
曹天翼 南通市口腔医院 牙体牙髓病科南通 226000  
孙汉堂 南通市口腔医院 牙体牙髓病科南通 226000 jssccq2016@126.com 
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      目的 研究iRootSP单尖法根管充填后不同桩道预备时机对根尖封闭效果的影响。方法 收集单根管离体牙75枚,截冠,随机分9组,其中A1、A2、A3组采用AH-Plus+热牙胶充填,;B1、B2、B3组采用iRoot SP+单尖根充;A4组热牙胶根充;B4组单尖根充;C组只预备不充填。A1和B1组立即预备桩道,而A2和B2组则1周后延迟进行,A3、B3、A4、B4组不进行桩道预备。A4组和B4组为阳性对照组,C组为阴性对照组,运用染料微渗漏实验及扫描电镜观察评价根尖区微渗漏情况。结果 各实验组及阳性对照组的染料均渗透入根尖,渗透深度分别为A1:(1.14±0.40)mm;A2:(1.32±0.14)mm;A3:(0.61±0.15)mm;A4:(4.75±0.16)mm;B1:(1.07±0.17)mm;B2:(1.22±0.19)mm;B3:(0.52±0.15)mm;B4:15mm;C:0mm。比较染料渗透深度,其中A1组与A3组、B1组与B3组、A2组与A3组、B2组与B3组间差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。其余各组之间的差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。iRootSP封闭性与AH-Plus相似,iRootSP单尖法充填后即刻、延迟桩道预备后根尖封闭性相似。结论 iRoot SP单尖法根管充填与AH-Plus热牙胶连续波垂直加压根充比较,其根尖封闭效果相似,即刻、延迟桩道预备对iRoot SP单尖法根管充填根尖封闭效果无影响。
      Objective To investigate the effect of different post channel preparation timing on the apical closure of iRootSP single-tip root canal obturation.Methods Seventy-five single-rooted teeth were collected and divided randomly into 9 groups: group A1,A2,and A3 were filled with AH-Plus+ hot gutta-percha; B1,B2,and B3 were filled with iRoot SP+ single tip root filling; group A4 was filled with hot gutta-percha root filling; group B4 was filled with single apical root filling; Group C was only prepared without filling.In group A1 and B1,post space preparation was performed immediately,while in group A2 and B2,post space preparation was delayed after 1 week,and in group A3,B3,A4,and B4,no post space preparation was performed.Group A4 and B4 were used as positive control group,and group C was used as negative control group.Dye microleakage test and scanning electron microscope observation were used to evaluate the microleakage in the apical region.Results The dye of the experimental group and the positive control group penetrated into the apical root,and the penetration depths were A1: (1.14±0.40) mm,A2: (1.32±0.14) mm; A3: (0.61±0.15) mm; A4: (4.75±0.16) mm; B1: (1.07±0.17) mm; B2: (1.22±0.19) mm; B3: (0.52±0.15) mm; B4: 15 mm; C: 0 mm.There were significant differences between group A1 and A3,group B1 and B3,group A2 and A3,group B2 and B3 (P<0.05).There was no significant difference in dye penetration depth between the remaining groups (P>0.05).iRoot SP apical sealing was similar to AH? plus,and the apical closue of the immediale space preparation and delayed space preparation after iRoot SP single? tip method of filling was identical.Conclusions The efficacy of iRoot SP single-tip root canal obturation is similar to that of AH-Plus continuous wave vertical compression root filling with hot gutta-recha.Immediate and delayed space preparation have no effect on the efficacy of apical obturation with iRoot SP single-tip.
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